blogosphereComebacksMudflap: When a new inmate asks an honest question I give him an honest answer. Sometimes the questions do get old, but I try to remember that the new guys honestly don’t know how things are done here and I’ll answer accordingly. Yet sometimes I’m innundated with stupidity, especially when giving the same response to the same question from the same inmate over and over.
featuredHepatitis C Associated Skin Conditionsby Lisa Scatena, MD, FAADIn the United States, 3.9 million people are infected with the hepatitis C virus (HCV) which is a member of the single-stranded RNA family, “flaviviridae.” The majority of cases of HCV are acquired parenterally, with intravenous drug use accounting for two-thirds of all cases. Of those patients infected with HCV, 70% of patients will progress to chronic hepatitis. End stage liver disease or cirrhosis will develop in 20-30% of patients with chronic disease... full story
featured jobDeputy Superintendent - KansasIncumbent acts as a highly responsible administrator by directing, managing, and supervising the facility's operations. Incumbent may develop, interpret, and implement, operational procedures, operational directives, and facility orders... full job posting biz news
interactive pocket calendar quote of the week"Those who do not want to imitate anything, produce nothing." |