Anyone in Maryland?
MDprospect2011: New here, looking for some connections in Maryland. I want to relocate from Philadelphia to Baltimore in January and have researched both the Baltimore County Corrections and the department of Corrections and Protective Services.
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During, After and Before...?By William Daly , CPM, CCE, CJM, & James Short, M.S.C.J
Normally the phrase that is used to describe a particular sequence of events is "before, during and after". Most departments and organizations invoke this "before, during and after" philosophy to provide a balanced approach to their work and to ultimately reach their departmental and organizational goals. Conversely, corrections and detention departments have always operated in their own, rather unique, sequence.
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- September – Food and Agriculture – Coverage of Food Service issues and Agriculture in corrections [Please send your articles/stories to]
featured job
Juvenile Corrections Supervisor – Ohio – NW Ohio Juvenile Detention, Training & Rehabilitation District
The Corrections Supervisor is responsible to ensure the safety and security of juvenile detainees and staff during an assigned shift. Provide direct supervision to Juvenile Correction Officers and support services, leading, correcting, mediating and intervening to allow operations to run effectively.
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quote of the week
"Somebody has to take responsibility for being a leader."
- Toni Morrison