blogosphere Use of Chemical Agents>>what's your opinion?
Well a small rodent some inmates described it as large as a ground hog. While others said it was a baby mouse or shrew. This poor guy got into a lock and proceeded to flee in terror for about 10 minutes during this time the inmate population screamed like opera singers and throw shoes at it. A few braver ones tried to catch it...
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featured  The Right Way to Deal with Outside PhysiciansJeffrey E. Keller MD
Those of us who practice medicine in jails frequently (Frequently? Daily!) run into the thorny issue of our relationship to the doctors who care for our patients outside of the jail. When patients are in our jails, we are responsible for them; they are our patients. But these patients also have doctors outside of the jail that perhaps they have been seeing for years. The inmate considers their outside physician to be their “real” doctor, not us. (Throughout this article, I am going to use the term “doctors” rather than the more generic “practitioners.” I do not mean to slight nurse practitioners or physician assistants. What I say applies to them, as well.)...
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Department Director - Corrections
The Director of Corrections is a highly responsible professional position requiring an ethical leader skilled in administration and supervision of the Corrections department. The Escambia County Corrections Director plans, directs, coordinates, and supervises the activities of the Department which includes directing the detention and community corrections divisions. Performs ongoing evaluation and improvement of service delivery systems, researches for innovative systems and techniques by which to better serve the Department's clients...
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quote of the week
"Change your thoughts and you change your world."
– Norman Vincent Peale