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Construction Standards


Subscribe to Construction Standards 6 posts, 4 voices

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Thinblueline riggsville 39 posts

…Zinger, to be honest, I don’t know about 40 years, however, it has stood up well for about 20 years so far.

Male user zingerphoto 2 posts

Hey Riggsville, I am wondering though if the structural integrity breaks down after a while (years) and under what enviromental stressors, like floressent lighting.
Will this glass preform the same as the day it was installed , say 40 years later

Thinblueline riggsville 39 posts

@ Zinger…I will check with our maint. dept. Monday. We use the “glass” you are talking about…LOTS OF IT. The glass is there to protect the lexan from scratches. While the glass can be broke, you can’t even mule kick it out.

Male user zingerphoto 2 posts

I am wondering if anyone has information regarding safety glass for control posts, specifically examples of lexan sandwiched with glass on either side. I am looking for manufacturers and length of warranty or specified length of service. I am having a hard time finding this so and help would be appreciated thanks

Male user Brad 1 post


There are a few Architectural and Engineering companies that specialize in Detention Facility Design, one of which is my employer. As you are discovering it is a highly specialized construction field and there are many potential pitfalls. Working for the A/E speciality, there are a number of design/consulting consultants, including Detention Security (this is what I do for a living). We design and provide plans and specifications for fences, gates, perimeter security, prison controls, cell locking, intercom, cctv, etc. We have designed literally hundreds of detention facilities all over the world. Feel free to contact me by phone 602-734-0297 if I may be of further assistance.

Male user HerbWilliams 1 post

I’m looking for sources of construction standards for prisons.

I’m an International Police Advisor doing a civilian police mission in The Sudan. One of the things we’re doing is some work at a State Prison here. I have to spec out the projects so that bidders know what the job requires. Here’s one of the things that I just flat out don’t know: Exterior fence. What’s the professional standard? How far apart should the posts be? How tall? How deep should they be sunk? How many pounds of concrete? Barbed wire, razor wire, or both? When I write up the specs and send the to Washington, I know somebody there is going to send them back asking me how I justified the standards. I’d rather get it right the first time. If I was putting up a picket fence around my house, I’d just go to Town Hall and ask code enforcement. There must be a book of Corrections Standards.

The other thing is towers. That’s a major job. There’s no way I want to cut corners at this place. As long as we’re spending taxpayers money, I want to see the place standing 100 years from now, just like East Jersey State back in my home town.

Thanks for any referrals guys.

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